Google has a 'Intro' Capture The Flag competition at I've been trying it out because, why not? The challenges aren't easy by any means - they range from javascript crypto (let me know if you find out how to break JS Safe!) to SQL injections to steganography. The challenge this post about, however, is a reverse engineering challenge: three, in fact.

10-second summary of reverse engineering: you have a binary and no source code, and you want to exploit it somehow. In this case, the binary is across a network connection, so you can't modify the code, you have to use what's there already. If you want to try it yourself, the binary is here, it runs on 64-bit Linux 2.4+ (but may work on other machines, I haven't tried). I highly recommend going through the whole CTF first, though.

Challenge 1

Do some black box testing here, it'll go well with your hat. nc 1337

When you connect, you get a screen saying

=== Management Interface ===
 1) Service access
 2) Read EULA/patch notes
 3) Quit

Let's read the patchnotes!

The following patchnotes were found:
 - Version0.2
 - Version0.3
Which patchnotes should be shown?
# Release 0.2
 - Updated library X to version 0.Y
 - Fixed path traversal bug
 - Improved the UX
=== Management Interface ===
 1) Service access
 2) Read EULA/patch notes
 3) Quit
The following patchnotes were found:
 - Version0.2
 - Version0.3
Which patchnotes should be shown?
# Version 0.3
 - Rollback of version 0.2 because of random reasons
 - Blah Blah
 - Fix random reboots at 2:32 every second Friday when it's new-moon.

Well, look at that. There's a path traversal bug: fixed in .2 and rolled back in .3 for 'random reasons'. A path traversal bug is when you have a public server which is meant to serve files in the starting directory, but instead servers files from the whole machine if you use relative paths. An example:

=== Management Interface ===
 1) Service access
 2) Read EULA/patch notes
 3) Quit
The following patchnotes were found:
 - Version0.2
 - Version0.3
Which patchnotes should be shown?

From here you have a couple options to get the flag: you can either guess ('fuzz') the filename, or you can download the binary and see what file it's trying to open. Let's do the second.

But wait, how do we get the binary? It turns out on linux there's a proc filesystem which looks like it has a bunch of files but really is a bunch of kernel info about the running system. What that means for us is we can get the program without knowing the filename or current directory.

=== Management Interface ===
 1) Service access
 2) Read EULA/patch notes
 3) Quit
The following patchnotes were found:
 - Version0.2
 - Version0.3
Which patchnotes should be shown?
... more binary follows ...

/proc is the start of the filesystem, self is the directory for the currently running process (in this case the vulnerable program), and exe is the executable file as it was when the process started running. So now that we've got the binary, we can take a look at what it's doing.

Enter GDB

If you don't know how to use GDB, I highly recommend learning. Not only will it be useful for debugging your own code, but it's the main way I know of to reverse engineer executables.

The first thing I normally do is look at the main function:

gdb -q ./mngmnt
Reading symbols from ./mngmnt...done.
(gdb) break main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x41414660: file main.cpp, line 133.
(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/jyn/Documents/Programming/challenges/googlectf/mngmnt

Breakpoint 1, main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffdc28) at main.cpp:133
133     main.cpp: No such file or directory.
(gdb) disas
Dump of assembler code for function main(int, char**):
   0x0000000041414648 <+0>:     push   %rbp
   0x0000000041414649 <+1>:     mov    %rsp,%rbp
   0x000000004141464c <+4>:     sub    $0x1e0,%rsp
   0x0000000041414653 <+11>:    mov    %edi,-0x1d4(%rbp)
   0x0000000041414659 <+17>:    mov    %rsi,-0x1e0(%rbp)
=> 0x0000000041414660 <+24>:    mov    0x201a99(%rip),%rax        # 0x41616100 <stdin@@GLIBC_2.2.5>

... lots of assembly follows, about 600 lines ...

Well that's a lot to look at. There's a function called primary_login about halfway down though, that looks promising.

(gdb) break primary_login()
Breakpoint 2 at 0x41414576: file main.cpp, line 112.
(gdb) continue
=== Management Interface ===
 1) Service access
 2) Read EULA/patch notes
 3) Quit

Breakpoint 2, primary_login () at main.cpp:112
112     in main.cpp
(gdb) disas
Dump of assembler code for function primary_login():
   0x000000004141456b <+0>:     push   %rbp
   0x000000004141456c <+1>:     mov    %rsp,%rbp
   0x000000004141456f <+4>:     sub    $0x110,%rsp
=> 0x0000000041414576 <+11>:    lea    0x62b(%rip),%rdi        # 0x41414ba8
   0x000000004141457d <+18>:    callq  0x400a90 <puts@plt>
   0x0000000041414582 <+23>:    mov    $0x0,%esi
   0x0000000041414587 <+28>:    lea    0x49e(%rip),%rdi        # 0x41414a2c <_ZL9FLAG_FILE>
   0x000000004141458e <+35>:    mov    $0x0,%eax
   0x0000000041414593 <+40>:    callq  0x400be0 <open@plt>
... about 200 more lines of assembly ...


(gdb) printf "%s\n", 0x41414a2c

After all that, that was it? Well, at least we know how to get the flag now. One last trick - we can get the current directory of the running process with /proc/self/cwd:

nc 1337
=== Management Interface ===
 1) Service access
 2) Read EULA/patch notes
 3) Quit
The following patchnotes were found:
 - Version0.2
 - Version0.3
Which patchnotes should be shown?

Challenge 2

That got our feet wet. The next challenge is a bit trickier. Can we get through the login screen?

nc 1337'
=== Management Interface ===
 1) Service access
 2) Read EULA/patch notes
 3) Quit
Please enter the backdoo^Wservice password:
! Two factor authentication required !
Please enter secret secondary password:

Oh boy, what now? Let's look at the program again.

gdb ./mngmnt
Reading symbols from ./mngmnt...done.
(gdb) disas primary_login
Dump of assembler code for function primary_login():
... lots of code ...
   0x0000000041414627 <+188>:   jne    0x41414630 <primary_login()+197>
   0x0000000041414629 <+190>:   callq  0x41414446 <secondary_login()>
   0x000000004141462e <+195>:   jmp    0x41414646 <primary_login()+219>
   0x0000000041414630 <+197>:   lea    0x5b9(%rip),%rdi        # 0x41414bf0
   0x0000000041414637 <+204>:   callq  0x400a90 <puts@plt>
   0x000000004141463c <+209>:   mov    $0x1,%edi
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
   0x0000000041414641 <+214>:   callq  0x400aa0 <exit@plt>
   0x0000000041414646 <+219>:   leaveq
   0x0000000041414647 <+220>:   retq
End of assembler dump.

secondary_login looks promising, what's that look like? Note: this is really long because we do need to read it this time.

(gdb) disas secondary_login
Dump of assembler code for function secondary_login():
   0x0000000041414446 <+0>:     push   %rbp
   0x0000000041414447 <+1>:     mov    %rsp,%rbp
   0x000000004141444a <+4>:     sub    $0x90,%rsp
   0x0000000041414451 <+11>:    lea    0x6d8(%rip),%rdi        # 0x41414b30
   0x0000000041414458 <+18>:    callq  0x400a90 <puts@plt>
   0x000000004141445d <+23>:    lea    0x6f4(%rip),%rdi        # 0x41414b58
   0x0000000041414464 <+30>:    callq  0x400a90 <puts@plt>
   0x0000000041414469 <+35>:    lea    -0x90(%rbp),%rax
   0x0000000041414470 <+42>:    mov    %rax,%rsi
   0x0000000041414473 <+45>:    lea    0x706(%rip),%rdi        # 0x41414b80
   0x000000004141447a <+52>:    mov    $0x0,%eax
   0x000000004141447f <+57>:    callq  0x400b00 <scanf@plt>
   0x0000000041414484 <+62>:    lea    -0x90(%rbp),%rax
   0x000000004141448b <+69>:    mov    %rax,%rdi
   0x000000004141448e <+72>:    callq  0x400b10 <strlen@plt>
   0x0000000041414493 <+77>:    mov    %rax,-0x10(%rbp)
   0x0000000041414497 <+81>:    movq   $0x0,-0x8(%rbp)
   0x000000004141449f <+89>:    mov    -0x8(%rbp),%rax
   0x00000000414144a3 <+93>:    cmp    -0x10(%rbp),%rax
   0x00000000414144a7 <+97>:    jae    0x414144d6 <secondary_login()+144>
   0x00000000414144a9 <+99>:    lea    -0x90(%rbp),%rdx
   0x00000000414144b0 <+106>:   mov    -0x8(%rbp),%rax
   0x00000000414144b4 <+110>:   add    %rdx,%rax
   0x00000000414144b7 <+113>:   movzbl (%rax),%eax
   0x00000000414144ba <+116>:   xor    $0xffffffc7,%eax
   0x00000000414144bd <+119>:   mov    %eax,%ecx
   0x00000000414144bf <+121>:   lea    -0x90(%rbp),%rdx
   0x00000000414144c6 <+128>:   mov    -0x8(%rbp),%rax
   0x00000000414144ca <+132>:   add    %rdx,%rax
   0x00000000414144cd <+135>:   mov    %cl,(%rax)
   0x00000000414144cf <+137>:   addq   $0x1,-0x8(%rbp)
   0x00000000414144d4 <+142>:   jmp    0x4141449f <secondary_login()+89>
   0x00000000414144d6 <+144>:   cmpq   $0x23,-0x10(%rbp)
   0x00000000414144db <+149>:   jne    0x41414537 <secondary_login()+241>
   0x00000000414144dd <+151>:   mov    0x55c(%rip),%rax        # 0x41414a40 <_ZL4FLAG>
   0x00000000414144e4 <+158>:   mov    0x55d(%rip),%rdx        # 0x41414a48 <_ZL4FLAG+8>
   0x00000000414144eb <+165>:   mov    %rax,-0x90(%rbp)
   0x00000000414144f2 <+172>:   mov    %rdx,-0x88(%rbp)
   0x00000000414144f9 <+179>:   mov    0x550(%rip),%rax        # 0x41414a50 <_ZL4FLAG+16>
   0x0000000041414500 <+186>:   mov    0x551(%rip),%rdx        # 0x41414a58 <_ZL4FLAG+24>
   0x0000000041414507 <+193>:   mov    %rax,-0x80(%rbp)
   0x000000004141450b <+197>:   mov    %rdx,-0x78(%rbp)
   0x000000004141450f <+201>:   movzwl 0x54a(%rip),%eax        # 0x41414a60 <_ZL4FLAG+32>
   0x0000000041414516 <+208>:   mov    %ax,-0x70(%rbp)
   0x000000004141451a <+212>:   movzbl 0x541(%rip),%eax        # 0x41414a62 <_ZL4FLAG+34>
   0x0000000041414521 <+219>:   mov    %al,-0x6e(%rbp)
   0x0000000041414524 <+222>:   lea    -0x90(%rbp),%rax
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
   0x000000004141452b <+229>:   test   %rax,%rax
   0x000000004141452e <+232>:   je     0x41414537 <secondary_login()+241>
   0x0000000041414530 <+234>:   mov    $0x1,%eax
   0x0000000041414535 <+239>:   jmp    0x4141453c <secondary_login()+246>
   0x0000000041414537 <+241>:   mov    $0x0,%eax
   0x000000004141453c <+246>:   test   %al,%al
   0x000000004141453e <+248>:   je     0x41414553 <secondary_login()+269>
   0x0000000041414540 <+250>:   lea    0x63f(%rip),%rdi        # 0x41414b86
   0x0000000041414547 <+257>:   callq  0x400a90 <puts@plt>
   0x000000004141454c <+262>:   callq  0x4141428e <command_line()>
   0x0000000041414551 <+267>:   jmp    0x41414569 <secondary_login()+291>
   0x0000000041414553 <+269>:   lea    0x63a(%rip),%rdi        # 0x41414b94
   0x000000004141455a <+276>:   callq  0x400a90 <puts@plt>
   0x000000004141455f <+281>:   mov    $0x1,%edi
   0x0000000041414564 <+286>:   callq  0x400aa0 <exit@plt>
   0x0000000041414569 <+291>:   leaveq
   0x000000004141456a <+292>:   retq

There's a few things of note here. First is the command_line function, which looks promising. Next is _ZL4FLAG, which seems useful. What's there?

(gdb) printf "%s\n", 0x41414a40

That's not helpful, it's binary data. And why does it have a shell at the end there? And finally, how do we get to command_line? Let's trace the execution. If you've heard of 'basic blocks' in compilers, that's basically what we're going to do now: split up the code into segments divided by jumps.

First we start at +0. Then execution is linear until line +93, where there's a cmp (compare) and a jae (jump above equal) to +144. At 144, it compares -0x10(%rbp) to 0x23, or 35 in decimal.

That's funny, the number of characters in the data above is 35. Coincidence? I think not. What happens if we just put in a string with 35 characters?

! Two factor authentication required !
Please enter secret secondary password:

Wait, what? That's it? Where's the flag? It turns out this program forgot to check that you had the right password. I couldn't figure out what was going on, so I cheated and looked at (which is a much better writeup). Long story short, there's an inner loop doing funny things with xor. If we xor the binary at _ZL4FLAG with 0xc7, we get back the flag. GDB and python will both be helpful here.

(gdb) print/x _ZL4FLAG
$5 = {0x84, 0x93, 0x81, 0xbc, 0x93, 0xb0, 0xa8, 0x98, 0x97, 0xa6, 0xb4, 0x94, 0xb0, 0xa8,
  0xb5, 0x83, 0xbd, 0x98, 0x85, 0xa2, 0xb3, 0xb3, 0xa2, 0xb5, 0x98, 0xb3, 0xaf, 0xf3, 0xa9,
  0x98, 0xf6, 0x98, 0xac, 0xf8, 0xba}
(gdb) quit
$ python -q
>>> import re
>>> hexes = """0x84, 0x93, 0x81, 0xbc, 0x93, 0xb0, 0xa8, 0x98, 0x97, 0xa6, 0xb4, 0x94, 0xb0, 0xa8,
...   0xb5, 0x83, 0xbd, 0x98, 0x85, 0xa2, 0xb3, 0xb3, 0xa2, 0xb5, 0x98, 0xb3, 0xaf, 0xf3, 0xa9,
...   0x98, 0xf6, 0x98, 0xac, 0xf8, 0xba"""
>>> chars = ''.join(hexes.split()).replace(',', '').replace('0x', '')
>>> chars
>>> ''.join([chr(int(c, 16) ^ 0xc7) for c in re.findall('..', chars)])

Quick explanation of that awful and hacky code: print/x means print as hexidecimal instead of decimal or binary. ''.join(hexes.split()) is a hacky way of removing whitespace. The replace calls are just getting rid of formatting we don't care about. re.findall('..', chars) splits the strings into 2-character sequences. The rest is a list comprehesion which converts each string to an int, xors it with hexidecimal c7, then finally joins the whole list into a string.

Side note: originally this was even more hacky - I used gdb's <address>@n syntax which gives you back the memory in architecture-endian order. 1/10 do not recommend.

(Challenge 3 will probably not be forthcoming, I finished it but never got around to writing it up.)